تعدين البوكسيت وتكريره إلى ألومينا

Bauxite is the primary raw material used to manufacture aluminium. This clay-like mineral comprises alu-hydroxides such as gibbsite, boehmite and diaspore that have formed through intense lateritic weathering processes.

Bauxite ore is first crushed and washed before dissolving it into hot caustic soda solution, known as “green liquor.” Once this green solution has been transferred into tall precipitator tanks with aluminum hydroxide seeds added for precipitation of solid alumina hydrate as the temperature cools, precipitator tanks may also be utilized to accelerate solidification.

The Bayer Process

At large industrial plants, the Bayer Process is where all the magic lies. Here is where industrial chemistry takes shape by turning raw materials into products that benefit society. This multi-stage process utilizes various filtration and separation equipment and also involves environmental concerns; its byproducts such as red mud require careful handling before disposal.

Bauxite ore is processed using a caustic soda solution and digested at elevated pressures and temperatures to extract its soluble alumina values, creating dilute sodium aluminate liquor and an insoluble caustic residue known as red mud. This refractory material requires special handling as it may contain heavy metals, alkali compounds and phenolic compounds; hence its classification as hazardous waste by local regulatory bodies.

Caustic soda solution is then passed through a series of six-story-tall precipitation tanks where seed crystals of alumina hydrate are added and allowed to grow, eventually drawing all water molecules in solution towards them, eventually creating a white solid of alumina hydroxide that will be later used in Hall-Heroult smelting process for producing aluminium metal.

Filtered and washed alumina is then processed further to remove any remaining caustic soda and other impurities, before drying, before being heated to drive off excess moisture caused by crystallisation through calcination – an essential step.

Anhydrous alumina produced during its processing becomes ready for use immediately, and is then shaped into various forms by using methods such as dry pressing, isostatic pressing, roll forming, injection moulding and/or slip casting processes. Once formed it can be made into sheet and rod stock castings as well as isostatically-pressed insulation and seal materials used in various industries – with most production serving metalurgical purposes while the remainder finds use in specialty applications or as chemicals derived from it.

The Cryolite Bath

Charles Martin Hall began researching methods of aluminum production in 1880. He discovered that using electric current through alumina caused it to break apart into oxygen and aluminum metal, with Hall’s subsequent discovery being that cryolite solution could dissolve this material and release its precious properties; hence creating the Hall-Heroult electrolytic process, which became an essential route for producing primary aluminum by 1908.

Smelting aluminium requires constant and extensive amounts of electrical energy. A cryolite bath must remain at an ideal operating temperature to enable its continual production, with any excess aluminum that accumulates at the cathode being periodically siphoned off and sent to large holding furnaces where impurities can be removed, alloying elements added, and then cast into ingots.

To make this process economically viable, it is critical that the alumina feeding rate into a cryolite bath be managed so as to maintain a constant concentration within an optimal range. Many factors, including particle size and stirring can have an impact on this factor.

By conducting an X-ray diffraction analysis of the cryolite bath, one can easily control the amounts of calcium and magnesium present. Unfortunately, however, this X-ray technique suffers from several drawbacks which limit its accuracy: these include difficulty analyzing its powder pattern as well as overlap between semiamorphous cryolite NaCaAlF6 peak analysis with both chiolite and weberite analytical peaks; it is difficult to differentiate neiborite from neibourite with this X-ray method alone!

Smelters use high-pressure diffraction systems to accurately monitor cryolite bath temperatures in real time and predict when it will freeze – both essential components of their process. Furthermore, this system can detect carbon impurities – which pose health hazards to workers exposed to it in mines, foundries and factories – as well as mineral inclusions like pyrite or calcite that indicate impurities within the alumina itself.

The Smelting Process

Aluminium can be extracted (at an uneconomical cost) from some clays, but most production comes from mining and refining bauxite into alumina (aluminium oxide). Alumina then serves as the raw material for making aluminium metal; this energy intensive process uses large amounts of electricity. As of today, global alumina production is expanding quickly using variations on Bayer process technology (although more difficult bauxites with high diaspore content may require other variations).

Finely ground bauxite is combined under pressure in digesters with hot solutions of caustic soda (NaOH) to dissolve its aluminium-bearing minerals – gibbsite, bohmite and diaspore – into a supersaturated solution of sodium aluminate known as pregnant liquor. Reactive silica present in the solution must also be eliminated through further processing to create red mud suspension, also referred to as “alumina sludge”, before being pumped into sealed dams that contain impervious materials to prevent leakage and contamination of surrounding environments.

Reduction pots combine alumina (with some leftover caustic soda) with carbon to form a molten electrolyte, and an electrical current passes through this electrolyte, breaking chemical bonds between aluminium and oxygen in the alumina, thus liberating oxygen, with aluminium eventually depositing at the bottom as anode metal while carbon dioxide gas rises up as cathode metal.

In tall precipitator vessels, alumina hydrate solution is further separated from caustic soda by adding small quantities of fine crystalline alumina powder into the liquid solution, which causes it to precipitate out as hard aluminosilicate alumina hydrate solids that can then be filtered, washed and dried into white powder form known as “calcined alumina.”

This alumina powder can be formed into various products using different techniques – dry, isostatic and hot-pressing presses, slip casting or tape casting, for instance – with or without additional materials (binders or thermoplastics) being added for ease of fabrication and production processes such as injection-moulding or producing thin substrates for microelectronic circuits. Furthermore, its use as filler helps improve ceramics insulating properties.

The Calcination Process

Bauxite residue can be processed further using calcination, which involves feeding it into a rotary kiln where it will be exposed to high temperatures to drive off any remaining water and chemically bound elements, producing an alumina powder product that is suitable for shaping into shapes or use as raw material in ceramic applications.

Heat-generating reactions are catalysed by hot caustic soda (NaOH). Reactants varying in composition – for instance combining diaspore with gibbsite – may also be added in order to control temperature profiles and produce different grades of alumina.

While most alumina production goes towards aluminum smelting industries, there is a significant market for specialty aluminas used as refractory materials and technical ceramics. These specialty products feature fine, crystalline structures with very high specific surface areas to resist corrosive attack; additionally they possess insulation properties, high strength levels and thermal stability making them invaluable components of furnace construction projects.

Other applications for alumina include ceramic fabrication such as refractories, abrasives and catalyst supports. Binders can often be included with the powder; thermoplastics for injection-moulded parts, for instance, are heated and mixed with alumina before being burned off during cooling processes. Another use for tape-casting involves mixing it with an organic liquid to produce thin substrates for microelectronic circuits.

Contrary to other ceramic materials that tend to be soft and brittle and therefore cannot withstand impact or tensile stresses in service, alumina is hard, durable, and has low coefficient of expansion – ideal qualities for bearings and seals. Unfortunately, its fine structure may lead to weakening defects like cracking and disintegration when subjected to impact stress or excessive tensile strain.

Calcination is an industrial heating method used to achieve chemical separation of solid materials by vaporising water, volatilising contaminants and decomposing oxidizing portions of mass. Calcination has long been employed as an efficient way of producing anhydrous alumina; producing wallboard production from gypsum waste materials; extracting high purity rutile from anatase for high purity rutile production, as well as for other industrial purposes.

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