Die Anwendung von Tonerdekeramik in der Architektur

In the field of building and sanitary ceramics, Al2O3 products can be seen everywhere, such as alumina ceramic lining bricks, grinding media, roller rod ceramic protective tubes, and Al2O3 refractory materials. Among them, Al2O3 ball milling medium is the most widely used.In the past, the ball milling media used for building and sanitary ceramics were mostly natural ball stones such as flint and pebbles. With the reduction of these high-quality natural ball stone resources, as well as their high wear rate and low efficiency, alumina ceramic ball milling media has been increasingly used by ceramic manufacturers. At present, ball milling media mainly include Al2O3, ZrO2, SiC, Si 3N4, etc. Al2O3 ball milling medium has the characteristics of suitable hardness, moderate density, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and low price. Therefore, most raw materials for building and sanitary ceramics are processed using Al2O3 ball milling medium.

alumina ceramic ball milling media has excellent physicochemical properties and low price, occupying a certain position in ball milling media. However, its toughness is not as good as other ball milling media, which limits its further application. Therefore, domestic and foreign researchers have conducted extensive research on the toughening mechanism and technology of alumina ceramic ball milling media. Considering cost issues and the operability of toughening, the most effective toughening method currently is to use the phase change toughening mechanism to add ZrO2 to Al2O3 to obtain ZrO2 toughened Al2O3 ball milling media, solving the toughness problem of alumina ceramic ball milling media.

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