The Molecular Weight of Aluminum Oxide

Aluminum oxide (Alumina), extracted from bauxite ore deposits, is an industrial mineral commonly used as raw material for producing aluminum metal as well as for manufacturing advanced ceramics products.

Alumina trihydrate serves two key purposes in polymers as both a filler and flame retardant/smoke suppressant. Its inherent flame retardancy comes from its water molecules being released at temperatures above 220degC, acting as an effective flame barrier.

Molecular Weight

Molecular weight of any substance refers to its mass per mole of that material. To calculate this quantity for a compound, first identify its chemical formula; then search the periodic table for their atomic masses; multiply each element’s mass times the number of atoms present within that element to get its molar weight – for instance aluminium oxide’s (Al2O3) is 9g/mol and used widely across industries, from manufacturing refractories, ceramics and polishing compounds through to coating titania pigments as well as being present within many types of glass production facilities.

Melting Point

Alumina’s melting point is an integral component of its refractory applications. A high melting point ensures that it remains solid even under intense temperatures, making it the ideal material for use in furnaces and other equipment as well as being used in grinding wheels and sandpaper to shape and smooth materials.

Aluminum oxide is an abundantly found, naturally-occurring compound found on Earth, widely utilized across numerous industries for its hardness and high temperature resistance. Aluminum oxide comes in pure form as a white, crystalline powder. When mixed with other elements it can take on different properties; toughness may be increased by adding zirconia particles or silicon carbide whiskers; additionally translucent effects can be achieved by adding small amounts of magnesia into its mix.

Alumina’s melting point is much higher than regular aluminum and its alloys, which require electrolysis for separation of aluminum from oxygen. This is likely due to strong covalent bonds within its oxygen constituent that require significant energy for breaking, leading to its higher melting and boiling points.

Combining alumina with other materials to form ceramics yields extremely tough and resilient materials, which are highly resistant to heat, abrasion and corrosion. Furthermore, its melting point of 2,072 degrees Celsius surpasses most oxides, making alumina an ideal material for refractory applications.

As with many compounds, alumina features low volatility and a high melting point compared to other metal oxides, making it less reactive than most. Furthermore, its formability allows it to be easily cast or shaped without deforming or warping under high pressures.

Alumina’s high melting point makes it ideal for use in dental ceramics, where it is frequently combined with porcelain. Alumina’s durability and refractory properties help create strong restorations that withstand extensive wear and tear while its low volatile content and melting point help prevent the formation of inhalable dust which can cause respiratory issues.


Aluminum is a soft metal that’s extremely light in relation to its size, as well as being one of the best conductors of heat and electricity, making it one of the key materials used in electrical transmission lines, car engines and home appliances. Due to its strength, durability and corrosion-resistance qualities, alumina is recycled again and again without losing quality or becoming deformed over time; additionally it offers resistance against rust, staining and scratches, has low melting points and can be formed into various shapes or sizes with ease.

Density of Alumina Powder depends on several variables, including its raw material composition and calcination temperature. For instance, gibbsite-made alumina has greater density than boehmite counterpart. Furthermore, precursor type, heating program parameters and seeds all impact density levels in different ways.

Density in alumina can be determined by its specific surface area and thermal conductivity; other influences include ceramic shrinkage during calcination as well as its pore structure.

Alumina can be found in many industrial applications, from refractories and abrasives to catalyst supports and lithium battery membranes. Due to its exceptional mechanical strength, thermal stability, high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance it has long been used in industry as an industrial material. Alumina forms an integral component in many refractories; furthermore it is widely used for high tech ceramic products such as lithium batteries, spark plugs and ceramic membranes for liquid crystal displays.

Alumina can be calculated via multiples of its molecular mass, the sum of all atoms present in its formula, multiplied by its molecular weight in terms of oxygen contained within a volume unit. You can also calculate its molar mass by dividing its chemical formula by its molecular weight – usually found on periodic tables – as a method to find its atomic number and mass elements that make up its makeup; water’s molecular weight can be calculated from this; its molecular mass equals two hydrogen atoms plus one oxygen atom; while that of Al2O3 contains exactly two aluminium and one oxygen atom.

Electrical Conductivity

Aluminum conducts electricity well, which makes it a popular material for power lines. Furthermore, being light enough for transport makes aluminum an attractive choice. While not as conductive as copper, its electrical properties depend heavily on how it’s used; increasing its conductivity by reducing oxide layers or adding impurities can help increase conductivity further. Likewise, heat treatments used during production also have an impactful impact on its electrical characteristics.

All bulk metals are excellent conductors due to an overlap between their conduction and valence bands that enables electrons to flow unimpeded. Aluminum differs slightly in its atomic structure from copper as its free electrons experience more phonon collisions that disrupt electron movement and thus decrease conductivity compared to pure copper which boasts higher conductivity ratings than its counterpart.

Alumina can be combined with zirconia or carbon nanotubes to increase its conductivity, and act as the substrate for reinforcements such as zirconia or nanotubes that serve to strengthen its crystalline structure and increase electrical conductivity. As a result, this forms a composite with improved mechanical properties, increased abrasion resistance, and higher electrical conductivity.

Alumina makes an excellent insulator when left uncovered; when coated, its conductivity significantly increases. Coating can take many forms such as powder coating or paint application and can impact how much alumina conducts. Factors like coating type, application temperature and type of heat treatment all influence how much alumina conducts.

Alumina oxide layers are integral for electrical conductivity as they protect conductive layers that could otherwise become exposed if scratched by foreign bodies such as dirt. Failure to do this could result in electrical issues; hence it’s vital that alumina remains protected.

Alumina is a strong and hard material with close dimensional tolerances that make it perfect for use in parts that need to be resistant to wear, such as textile guides, pump plungers, chute linings and discharge orifices. Machining can further harden alumina’s durability; industrial cutting tools also benefit from its use. Incorporating zirconia particles or silicon carbide whiskers increases hardness and wear resistance while acting as support for industrial catalysts like those found in the Claus process for converting waste gases back into elemental sulfur as well as Ziegler-Natta polymerizations.

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