Alumina Toughened Zirconia – ZTA

Alumina Toughened Zirconia (ZTA), is an advanced technical ceramic material which combines the strength and toughness of alumina with high wear-resistance characteristics, offering exceptional corrosion and wear resistance properties for use across a range of industrial applications.

ZTA’s zirconia particles transform from tetragonal to monoclinic under stress, producing compressive stress that prevents crack propagation – making this material far more durable than pure alumina ceramics.


ZTA is an alumina-zirconia composite material with exceptional mechanical properties. Able to withstand high stresses, its hardness makes ZTA an excellent material choice for grinding wheels that need to withstand abrasion and friction; additionally it resists corrosion and thermal shock – all attributes which make ZTA suitable for industrial applications including furnace components and turbine engine parts.

Zirconia toughened alumina (ZTA) is an alumina-zirconium oxide composite material with significantly increased fracture toughness compared to pure alumina, making it more capable of resisting crack propagation. The toughness is achieved through phase transformations of dispersed zirconia particles dispersed within an alumina matrix under stress; when subjected to stress, these zirconia particles change phase from tetragonal to monoclinic crystal structure, increasing particle volume while compressive stresses that reduce crack propagation while increasing fracture toughness.

ZTA can store thermal energy effectively to limit crack propagation. As such, its zirconia particles dispersed within an alumina matrix can absorb and store thermal energy to provide outstanding resistance to thermal shock in high-temperature environments as well as superior chemical corrosion protection – making it suitable for medical devices exposed to bodily fluids and chemicals.

ZTA material is produced by mixing alumina and zirconia powders together prior to molding and sintering, using various methods such as spraying or injection of zirconia onto alumina. Zirconia may also be combined with other materials like tungsten carbide to increase strength of final product. Formation and sintering processes may be tailored accordingly in order to optimize performance; gelcasting is one such popular production method while research has been conducted into optimal fabrication conditions such as solid loadings and temperatures for optimal material fabrication conditions for optimal material performance.

Wear Resistance

Zirconia-rich ceramic composites increase toughness, strength and wear resistance compared to alumina alone. HMA Wear Solutions conducted tests using these materials in abrasive environments where ZTA outshone its counterpart due to similar levels of abrasiveness; sliding wear conditions saw hard counter faces not interact, with Alumina typically outperforming ZTA due to higher hardness levels but this difference is offset by ZTA having greater resilience that resists impact damage better.

ZTA stands out from regular alumina in terms of thermal shock resistance. In fact, ZTA is known to withstand temperatures as high as 1773 K without cracking or breaking, making it perfect for equipment that must withstand drastic temperature variations. Furthermore, it has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion compared to regular alumina materials, thereby decreasing strain placed upon it as it expands and contracts over time.

ZTA has an outstanding fracture toughness, making it highly resistant to impact loading, making it the ideal material choice for components exposed to mechanical stress, such as valve seals. ZTA must also withstand repeated impact loads without impairing sealing capability.

Zirconia is biocompatible, meaning it’s safe for human use. When combined with its high flexure strength and hardness, this makes it an excellent material choice for medical applications like hip replacement. Furthermore, its biocompatibility and durability also make it suitable for other uses where mechanical stress resistance is essential, including wear resistance from abrasion, corrosion or chemical erosion.

Chemical Resistance

Zirconia toughened alumina is an extremely corrosion-resistant material, making it suitable for applications exposed to harsh chemicals or contaminants. Furthermore, its durability allows it to endure constant frictional stress without damage or breakage occurring over time.

As well, zirconia particles dispersed within an alumina matrix can absorb thermal energy to generate compressive stresses that prevent cracks from developing at high temperatures – this makes the material especially effective for applications requiring continual exposure such as furnace components or turbine engine components.

Zirconia toughened alumina stands out as being capable of resisting the formation of voids, an important characteristic in ceramics as voids can significantly decrease strength and cause failure. Zirconia toughened alumina does not experience this problem, since zirconia particles are evenly dispersed throughout its matrix.

Due to its resistance against wear and corrosion, zirconia toughened alumina is an excellent material for cutting tools due to its superior durability and cost-efficiency compared to diamond. It can withstand both intense pressure from grinding wheels as well as rapid temperature shifts that occur during grinding processes; moreover, its production costs much less than traditional diamond alternatives.

ZTA products provide the optimal balance of cost and value, being significantly stronger than alumina products while less costly than pure zirconia. They often consist of an alumina-zirconia matrix such as CeramTec ceramic Biolox Delta; their flexure creep curves show that zirconia’s presence does not significantly change steady state creep rate (10-8 s-1 at 1473 K, 110 MPa); however, its addition increases stress dependence of primary creep stage significantly more for ZTA than traditional alumina ceramic.

Thermal Shock Resistance

Zirconia toughened alumina is an ideal material for applications where equipment must withstand sudden temperature changes without being damaged, thanks to the zirconia particles dispersed within its matrix that absorb thermal energy and generate compressive stresses that help prevent cracks from forming – this makes it the ideal material for building equipment designed to function at extreme temperatures.

ZTA is an advanced technical ceramic that combines the benefits of both alumina and zirconia for superior mechanical strength. Produced through stress-induced transformation toughening, fine tetragonal zirconia grains are embedded in an alumina matrix before sintered together to form this material that boasts extremely high fracture toughness and high flexural strength, making it resistant to shocks and impact loads more effectively than other technical ceramics.

ZTA stands out with impressive physical strength as well as good chemical and mechanical stability, making it extremely durable. This material offers outstanding corrosion resistance against harsh chemicals found in medical equipment as well as long periods of continuous stress found in centrifuges. Thanks to its low creep rate it can withstand prolonged periods of constant stress like those found when centrifuges operate at full tilt for prolonged periods.

Zirconia toughened alumina can be further strengthened with CeO2, and has been shown to improve both its flexural strength and thermal shock resistance. Furthermore, adding CeO2 reduces stress-induced cracking of ZTA while simultaneously increasing fatigue strength due to formation of long lamellae of LaMgAl11O19 during in-situ synthesis with the alumina.

Elektrik İzolasyonu

Great Ceramics offers advanced technical ceramic products such as zirconia toughened alumina to meet customers’ diverse needs for strength, durability and wear resistance. Furthermore, its excellent electrical insulation properties include its high resistivity and low dielectric constant values – perfect for parts requiring both mechanical and electrical properties. Zirconia toughened alumina is among them! Great Ceramics produces various zirconia toughened alumina products so customers have the best solutions available to meet them.

ZTA combines the high hardness and fracture toughness of alumina with the excellent chemical and thermal stability of zirconia for maximum performance. We can tailor the ratio of alumina to zirconia according to customer specifications; for instance, increasing bending strength by increasing zirconia content or decreasing it will improve fracture toughness or other properties.

Zirconia toughened alumina is made by mixing together dispersed tetragonal-phase zirconia particles in an alumina matrix before sintering at various temperatures to produce material with desired fracture toughness, hardness and creep resistance. By selecting an optimal temperature for sintering we can produce material with desired fracture toughness, hardness and creep resistance properties.

From SEM analysis, it can be seen that alumina-zirconia composites with smaller grain size and lower sintering temperature demonstrate superior fracture toughness. This is likely due to having less crack energy and shorter crack length from having fewer grains per unit area.

Alumina-Toughened Zirconia (ATZ) is a multi-component ceramic made up of finely dispersed, tetragonal phase zirconia powder suspended within an alumina matrix at high temperatures. This material boasts impressive mechanical strength, toughness and transformation toughness properties making it suitable for applications including solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes as well as structural and semiconductor materials. When combined together it offers significantly higher hardness, fracture toughness and wear resistance than its single component counterpart alumina alone at significantly reduced costs.
