What Is Alumina (Al2O3)?
Alumina (Al2O3) is an essential ingredient of industrial ceramics. With high hardness and wear resistance, as well as tolerance for […]
Alumina (Al2O3) is an essential ingredient of industrial ceramics. With high hardness and wear resistance, as well as tolerance for […]
Dense alumina features excellent mechanical, thermal and chemical properties, making it the ideal material for high vacuum equipment and instrumentation,
Activated alumina is an extremely flexible material with various industrial uses. Due to its chemical stability and superior absorption capacity,
Bauxite is the primary raw material used to manufacture aluminium. This clay-like mineral comprises alu-hydroxides such as gibbsite, boehmite and
Alumina’s high Young’s modulus and compressive and tensile yield strengths make it a highly suitable material for engineering applications. This
Al2O3 ceramic has quickly become one of the most widely-used technical ceramics due to its remarkable hardness, melting points and
Aluminij je bistvena sestavina pri proizvodnji aluminija, zlitine, ki se bo hitro razširila, ko se bomo približali
Aluminij je ena od najbolj razširjenih kovin in tudi najbolj recikliranih. Aluminij (aluminijev oksid, Al2O3) je
Aluminij je napreden tehnični keramični material, znan po svoji trdoti, trdnosti, odpornosti proti obrabi in zaščiti pred korozijo. Poleg tega je ta izolacijski
Aluminijev hidrat, imenovan tudi aluminijev trihidroksid ali krajše ATH, je bel prah, ki se uporablja kot plamen